Papermaking Workshops 2024-2025
Thursday, February 27, March 6, Wednesday, April 2, and 9 (all four classes)
7:00-8:30 PM EST
Spring is just a breath away and what better time than Spring to capture the opening buds and blooms with water paints. Plus, learn how versatile the medium is and how water paints can be a fun addition to your creative journey.
This workshop offers opportunities to learn and explore the vast offerings of the medium to include watercolor, inks, natural pigment/dye inks, earth pigments, photographic paints/tints, marbling, gouache and acrylic. Learn foundational techniques from choosing supplies to brushstrokes.
Grab your journals and if you don't have one learn how to create one in class. Exercises will include drawing and composition, use of different water paints and how to incorporate the painting techniques into your daily rituals and creating with ease.
Take a deep breath and breathe out. It's time to relax and connect with the beauty of the world around using water paints.
All classes will meet on Zoom and be recorded. A suggested supply list of simple tools and supplies will be emailed. Note these are optional. Many supplies you may have around on your work tables. This online class allows you to understand the paints, how they are used. A perfect opportunity to learn in a class setting before heading out to the art supply store. Plus, with Water Paints by learning about the different outcomes of each paint shared in class you can decide which paint might be the one that is just right for you.
THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 20, 27, AND APRIL 3, 10, 17, & 24, 2025
7-8:30 PM EST
Whether you need a journal for writing, sketching, stitching, mixed media or gifting you will know upon class completion that you can make seven different beautiful journals all kinds of ways with different style bindings and shapes lovingly constructed with all kinds of materials for the pages and covers.
A simple bookbinding supply list will be emailed to registrants with suggested optional supplies and tools.
Leave your cares behind one evening a week for this seven week series and travel the world learning about museums, exhibitions and strong women artists. Immerse yourself with colorful and inspiring art history of women artists who have left lasting impressions on the art world. Learn from their experiences and discoveries.
Beautiful bindings as embellishment and function will have your completed journals ready for you to fill with fall’s splendor.
MARCH 13, 7-8:30 PM EST
Frida Kahlo
Born July 6, 1907, died July 13, 1954
MARCH 20, 7-8:30 PM EST
Hilma af Klint
Born October 26, 1862, died October 21, 1944
MARCH 27, 7-8:30 PM EST
Alma Thomas
Born September 22, 1891, died February 24, 1978
APRIL 3, 7-8:30 PM EST
Armi Ratia
Born July 13, 1912, died October 3, 1979
APRIL 10, 7-8:30 PM EST
Peggy Guggenheim
Born August 26, 1898, died December 23, 1979
APRIL 17, 7-8:30 PM EST
Hannah Hoch
Born March 16, 1799, died June 9, 1871
APRIL 24, 7-8:30 PM EST
Lee Krasner
Born October 27, 1908, died June 19, 1984
This class will meet on Zoom. Registrants will be provided with meeting details for class entry. Please become familiar with Zoom applications before class this will provide for a more relaxing experience at class time. Note taking suggested.
The class is lecture style with hands on demonstrations, examples and time for answering questions. Student participation during class time is invited. The class will be recorded for viewing and downloading.
March 4 & 18, April 1 & 22 and May 20, 6:00-8:00 pm est
Five online classes, 10 hours
The process of creating your own handmade papers is a fun and rewarding process. Many of the students I have taught in workshops know exactly how they want to use their hand made papers after creating them and others are ready to explore more options. There are so many possibilities and I can’t wait to share some with you.
For those who have taken my in person or online hand papermaking classes this is a perfect follow-up to extend your knowledge and experiences. Beginners are also welcome. There is no prerequisite.
This online workshop reviews making your own papers at home, at school or in a larger classroom setting. This is a great class for those who work with mixed media, collage, stitching, cradle board mounts, framed works, painting, book arts and love paper.
We will review some simple and accessible paper making techniques covering a variety of foundation materials as well as the supplies and tools for forming sheets.
We will explore Encaustics, also known as hot wax painting, a painting technique that uses a heat, with a variety of colored waxes. A technique used by the ancient Greeks and Egyptians.
Learn about cold wax applications for sealants, decorative uses like different ways to weave your paper, make functional handmade lanterns, appliqué, fun and functional books, work with wax resist/batik process, Wild color and controlled applications of colors using earth pigments, creative applications and techniques for framing works as well as how to work with your handmade paper to make sculptural pieces. We will make boxes, learn ways to apply colors using encaustics, natural dyes and pigments as well as bright colored acrylics. This fun class allows the opportunity to go beyond just creating sheets right in the comfort of your own home.
Try everything or only the techniques that truly speak to you. No need to go out and purchase supplies unless you decide that you really want too. Already have supplies? Great, you can follow along or create on your own and share in class if you choose.
A supply and resource list of materials will be provided to registrants in advance after registering to make it easy to locate materials to use during class, after or in the future.
This in-depth online opportunity offers new ways to expand your knowledge of creating through the paper arts and is hoped to open a whole new world of possibilities for your personal creating.
The online sessions will meet five times on Zoom. Recordings for this offering will be available for one year.
For those looking for a hands on studio experience please join me in 2025 at one of the following:
Sanborn Mills Farm, Loudon, NH
Cameron Art Museum, Museum School, Wilmington, NC
Greenville Center for Creative Arts, Greenville, SC
There is nothing like an in person, in depth focus with a good block of time workshop to create. These wonderful organizations allow this. So, if you love paper and are looking for ways to add that one of kind feel to your work I hope you will check out some of my work and offerings.
Blue Lovers Blues
Wednesday, March 12, & 19, 2025
7:00 - 8:30 PM, EST
If you are new to the cyanotype process, have years of experience, love stitch books, are new to creating handmade books or are just looking for a fun experience with fiber art and alternative photography processes this workshop just might be for you.
I know how many of you love dyeing with indigo and having taught growing, dyeing and vat formulation classes for years many have shared that they may never set up a vat at home. They just love the dyeing process in a group setting. So, if you love the look of indigo blues then you may just get excited about the deep and beautiful shades of Prussian blue produced with the cyanotype method. Cyanotype provides that same joyful element of surprise we all love when pulling an indigo dyed fabric or paper from the vat. The difference is that surface design with cyanotype takes less time, produces just as beautiful results and provides more options for design and personal storytelling or making images of your materials that are endearing.
Cyanotype is one of the oldest photographic processes dating back 183 years. Since the invention of the process it’s been used to copy notes, capture photographic illustrations and architectural plans before photocopying and computer printers were ever dreamed of.
Since the conception of the cyanotype process the techniques have virtually stayed the same with few variations and introductions of simple ways to tone developed images.
Cyanotype has no need for a camera, darkroom or any special equipment. The UV rays of the sun even on a cloudy day will provide surprising and beautiful results. Learn about using the sun, clouds and other light sources for developing on a rainy day.
The workshop covers mixing solutions, using pretreated materials and ways to alter your prints with the natural tannins from items found in your pantry and garden.
Learn how to make prints from your photo negatives, how to make negatives, drawings, three dimensional objects, transparencies, textiles, botanicals and other interesting surprises that make for interesting compositions inspired from your imagination.
Combining your fabric and paper stashes learn how to create your own original art, small stitch books, journals, scrolls, patches and fun additions to other projects. Gift items like tags, cards, gift bags and wrappings.
Some fascinating photography history will be shared and plenty of visual stimulation and inspirational examples to excite your senses and get you eager to create.
Bookbinding techniques will be covered for providing a variety of ways to bind cloth books of different sizes, thicknesses and for those with hardcovers. Expect to learn a minimum of six binding techniques.
Participation in this workshop will have you feeling confident with adding this photographic process to your creativity endeavors and ready to expand your own creative ideas to fully enjoy all that the cyanotype process can provide.
Supplies, materials, tools, vocabulary and resources will be covered. An optional suggested supply list will be emailed to all students.
This class will meet on Zoom. Registrants will be provided with meeting details for class entry. Please become familiar with Zoom applications before class. This will provide for a more relaxing experience at class time. Note taking suggested.
The class is lecture style with hands on demonstrations, examples and time for answering questions. The class will be recorded for viewing and downloading.